How to Take a Full Website Screenshot

Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …


Hey Friends, 

It’s Dani here from Wandersouls Creative coming with another tutorial. 

I’m going to show you how to take a full website screenshot. You’re not going to believe how easy it is. 


How to Take a Full Website Screenshot

Go to Google and type “full page screen capture”. 

  1. Select the option. It’s usually the one that’s by Chrome called “Go Full Page”. 

  2. Follow the prompts to install the Chrome Extension. It’s completely FREE. 

  3. Once you install it, open up a new Google window. 

  4. Go to the page that you want to screenshot, and select the camera icon that will appear at the top left (where the extensions are added). 

  5. Next, let the Chrome Extension work its magic. 

And there you have it !!!

Simple !! Stay tuned because later on, I’m going to show you how to create website mockups with your screenshot page. It’s easier than you think. 

That’s it!

Please let me know if this was useful …or if you have any questions just comment below or send me an email.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you on the next one.

P.S. The Website template that I’m showing is the Peach Template where you can have access to it once you signed up on my signature program the No BS Website Method. This cours is my proven step-by-step method that will teach you how to create your dream high converting websites in less than a month. By signing up to my course you’ll have access to:



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Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …