How to create Pins for Pinterest in Canva (Fast & Easy)

Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …


Hey Friends, 

It’s Dani here from Wandersouls Creative coming with another Canva tutorial. 

Today, I’m going to show you how to create beautiful pins for your Pinterest. 

Instead of having to re-create your graphics for Pinterest, I want to show you a much simpler way that is going to make things easier, and it’s going to save you a lot of time. 

With this, you will be able to create your Pinterest pins in less than 30 seconds.

How to create Pins for Pinterest in Canva (Fast & Easy)

These are my Pinterest Canva Templates (40 in total) that you can easily customize and use for your Pinterest or your Website as well. 

Once you get our Pinterest Canva Templates, you’ll have a PDF with a link that will take you to your new templates. There, you can get creative. They’re fully customizable, meaning that you’re able to change the text, the fonts, the colors, the background, the images, the objects, and so much more.

We also have more templates that you can grab for your Ebook, Instagram Posts, Branding, Welcome Packets, and so much more. 

So, make sure that you grab our Pinterest Canva Templates Package because this is going to make your workflow easier.

And there you have it !!!

That’s it!

Please let me know if this was useful …or if you have any questions just comment below or send me an email.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you on the next one.



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Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …