The #1 thing you can do to improve your website
It’s no secret that we as business owners (and web designer!) are on a constant journey of wanting to improve our sites on a daily. So you start searching for the best tips, top advice or any way in which you could better your site and in less than 5 minutes you’re so overwhelmed by all the things you “should be doing”. Trust me, I’ve been there before, and I know how overwhelming all that can be that you end up not doing a single thing and you’re stuck in that old same cycle. You feel so overwhelmed with the endless possibilities to improve your site!
Until one afternoon it all clicked! I was talking with my sister about my business and suddenly she said, “let me look at your site”. As soon as she started going over my site, I realized this was the answer to all my website problems!
Putting someone in front of your website is the best thing you can do in order to improve your site.
Yes, you read that right. It’s that easy!
This simple thing will honestly change your client website journey for the best! Isn’t that what we want?!
Putting someone in front of your site will give you a completely different vision and perspective. You will get to experience your site in the eyes of your site visitor and you’ll be quite surprised to what you find and to see what needs to improve.
I realized that I was overthinking everything. I thought my website needed a whole revamp, that I needed new images and a new layout but I was totally missing the key point. When I put my sister in front of my website I was able to see what she gravitated towards or the buttons/ images she wanted to click first or what got her attention the most. It honestly opened my eyes and showed me the next steps I needed to take in order to improve my site.
Because let’s be real… we should be wanting to improve our site for our dream clients not for ourselves.
The ultimate goal is to have the best possible navigation for our readers.
So what you have to do is...
Ask a friend, family member or even better yet, ask your dream client to go over your website. If you are right next to them you will be able to see how they navigate. If that is not the case, simply ask them to record themselves while going over your site. It’s super easy with tools like Loom they can record their screen.
It helps if the person going over your site has constructive criticism or any type of feedback but it’s not necessary. They don’t even have to say anything because the main focus lies on their website journey and where the mouse goes. Take a moment and analyze... What buttons are they attracted to? What are they not attracted to? Are they having to zoom in the text because the font is too small? Is the site confusing? What was their first step? What CTA did they click first? What CTA did they click last or not at all?
After seeing how they navigate through your site you will get the answer to many or all of these questions. This will give you the exact next steps you need to take in order to improve your site. It’s that easy!
This simple exercise will honestly change the way you view your site and will have a profound impact on your client’s website journey.