How to create a 404 page in Squarespace (2020)

Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …


Hello! Dani here! Website designer and founder of Wandersouls creative!

Welcome to another Squarespace video!

Today I’m going to show you how to create a 404 page just like this one!

404 Page Photo | Squarespace Turorial | Website Designer

So first… 

What is 404 page?

It’s an error page or a page not found in your website

So it is very common for someone to misspell your URL link and this is what happens

Squarespace has a default page but we can definitely make it SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!

This also happens because you might have changed the link or deleted a page 

So instead of having this default page we want to create a page that keeps our visitors in our site instead of just exiting out! 

This is the one opportunity to make them stay on your site so make it strategic and even fun!!!!!

Let’s get started!

How to create a 404 page in Squarespace (2020)

Just to make it more fun, you may want to add a GIF. 

  1. Go to and search for GIF under β€œoops” or β€œsorry”. Once you find one that you like and that you would like to use, you’re gonna right click on it and save that image. 

  2. Go back to Squarespace, and click on the Pages Section. 

  3. Scroll down to where you have your β€œNot Linked” pages and create a new blank page. 

  4. Name it β€œ404 page”. 

Now, we can start our editing process. 

  1. Click on β€œEdit”. 

  2. Quick Note: Add spacers to your blank page so you can have more structure when it comes to editing. 

  3. Add two spacers and drag one right next to the other. 

  4. Decrease the left spacer and below it, add a new image. 

  5. Upload your GIF, or the picture that you want to add. 

  6. Click β€œApply”. 

  7. Below the right spacer, you’re going to add a text and make it your Heading One. You can use phrases like: β€œOops, my bad!”

  8. Below that heading, insert your description text. 

  9. Below your description text, you can start adding your buttons that will take you to different parts of your website. Here, I added a button to my blog post page, services page, home page, and my course. 

  10. When adding your button, remember to use the gear icon and link the page that you want your audience to go through when they click on the button.  

You may want to add a search bar in case they’re looking for something else. To do this: 

  1. Add a new text and encourage them to search on the bar. 

  2. Then, click on the insert point and type in β€œsearch”. 

  3. Click on the search option. 

Quick note: If you want to limit your search bar to a specific page like your blog page, you may want to click on β€œSearch Specific Page” and choose the page that you would like to use. But, if you want your whole website to be searchable, just click apply. 

  1. Go ahead and delete the first two spaces that you created and click β€œSave”. 

The last thing that we need to do is connect that page. 

  1. Go back to β€œHome”. 

  2. Click on β€œDesign”. 

  3. Go to β€œNot Found/ 404 Page”. 

  4. Select the 404 page that you have created. 

  5. Click Save. 

Now, every time someone misspells a word or a page from your website or go through a broken link, they are going to see the page you have just created that is way better than the default one. 

And there you have it!!!! That’s it!

Please let me know if this was useful …or if you have any questions just comment below or send me an email. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you on the next one!



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Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …
Best website building platforms, why squarespace is the best website building platform, Squarespace 2019, Squarespace for small business owners creatives and entrepreneurs, benefits of Squarespace, WanderSouls Creative, online web designer, Daniela …