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My #1 Business Tool

(it’s not what you think it is)

As entrepreneurs, we are always on the hunt for that new resource or tool that will move our business forward. After trying so many things, being part of so many courses, reading so many blog posts on their “must have business tool” I came to the conclusion that mine was nowhere to be found until I was introduced to the Law of Attraction/Manifestation world.

Now, everytime I get asked the question about my #1 business tool I can’t help but say: M I N D S E T

Yes, this strategy is very different from others, but honestly it is what will either make or break your business. Let me explain...

Your mind is a muscle. So just like every other muscle in your body your mind needs to be trained on a DAILY basis. If you don’t give your mind the right tools and exercise it the right way consistently you will not see its benefits. 

Let’s take for instance… 

Maybe you are in a situation right now where you’re successful, you feel on top of the world - selling hundreds of products, being booked out in your business, etc… but what will happen if a hardship comes your way? There’s 2 answers for that: It will either drown you even more causing you to give up or you can see it as a stone in the road to success making you want to come back even stronger than before. Mindset can help you choose this last one. 

A growth mindset preps you for the falls. There will always be high highs and low lows and what a growth mindset can do is keep you grounded and help you move past the low lows to even better highs.

I have been in the situation of having really bad days where I felt like giving up on my business while at the same time having really good days where I felt on top of the world! Until I was fed up with this roller coster feeling. That’s when I started implementing a daily mindset plan. We all have plans for our business, right? To name a few there’s business plans, financial plans, marketing plans, but have we ever created a plan for our minds? If yes… congratulations you’re in that 1%. If not, you need to get started! Don’t worry, I will share with you exactly what I do in order to move past the struggles effectively and hopefully it will motivate you to create your own.

Let’s reemphasize this: The mind is a muscle, therefore we need to exercise it every single day.

The key to everything in life is consistency. You need to exercise your mind even on the good days. You might feel like working on your mindset on the good days is unnecessary and irrelevant because you are already feeling good, but if you only apply it when you encounter a problem it is not going to be as effective. When you find yourself in a bad situation it is sometimes very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is why we need to practice it on a daily basis… even on the good days. Plus, honestly this is a win win- it will make your good days even better (trust me!) Remember: The small steps eventually add up to something great. 

So what is mindset? It is ultimately all about your thoughts. The beliefs you have that will affect your reality.  I love to sum it up with the quote, “What you focus on becomes your reality” meaning that what you focus your thoughts on will grow and eventually become your reality.

Here is a list of the small things that I’ve started doing every day that are helping have a better, growth mindset and are moving my business (and life) forward:


  1. Dose of endorphins every single morning- Going outside for a run for as little as 15 minutes every day helps me have that boost of energy and clear my mind.  It’s crazy how only 15 min. of movement can make you feel. I come back feeling like a champion every time!

  2. Take a shower while listening to a motivational podcast or high vibe music I can sing or dance to.

  3. 5 minute journal- This has been a game changer for me! It puts me in a state of gratitude every single day by listing the 3 things I’m most grateful for.  When you’re in a constant state of gratitude, God, the Universe, (or whatever you believe in) will give you so much more of that- it’s a no brainer! 

    • PRO TIP #1: Be grateful for the things you don’t have yet and feel and believe that it’s on its way to you. This is such a powerful manifestation practice that will elevate your mood and put you in a high frequency state.

    • PRO TIP #2: While writing what you’re grateful for close your eyes and really feel the joy that it gives you. Feeling it makes it so much more fulfilling. 

  4. Affirmations- Say these out loud while looking at yourself in the mirror and standing up in Super Woman pose. It will make you feel like you’re on top of the world and no one can stop you!

As you can see my mindset plan is easy, short and sweet and leaves you feeling like $1,000,000. Starting your day in that vibe is honestly priceless. These small things do ADD UP at the end. They are so simple yet so powerful. Now, doing these on a daily basis have become a non-negotiable for me and I need them in order to get started with my day. 

It is changing the way we think, the way we work, the way we go out and about our days. Through your thoughts, beliefs and actions you are changing your life.

So what are you waiting for?! Create your own mindset plan. Begin working on strengthening your mindset muscle every single day. It is going to do wonders not only for your business but for your life as well.

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